Tuesday, May 31, 2005

ORD lo

There have been times where I really get this urge to pen down my thoughts. And it's at really specific times, because when I get back home and sit down in front of the computer, the urge is gone, replaced by the unexplainable activity of aimless internet surfing. This gotta be a crime against time or something, staring at a monitor within 25 inches for 3 hrs.
So during ball practice three days ago, I was thinking about confidence and how important this intangible quality is. It can make or break you, and it can come from a little word, a little action from a teammate, or it can just come from a little incident. Yeah, an incident. Like how mustering up a little conversation with the cute girl next door can make you feel like Don Juan. And how sometimes turning the ball over on one possession makes me feel like shit, and unsure of what to do with the ball on the next possession. Just attack the basket dammit! Yep that's what I'm thinking I should have done. When the game is over.
I just talked to this girl in the elevator on my way home today. I live on the ninth floor. Never spoke to her before, but I see her all the time. Heck, I even know which primary and secondary sch she's from.
Well, turns out she's now in nus Science fac, and she lives on the ninth floor too, right at the opposite end of the block. I wasn't trying to hit on her. It's like, we lived on the same block for more than a decade and we never spoke? There, I'm sure you get this feeling sometimes, maybe even with the indian mama next door.

Hey mama, wassup? *peace sign* Haha that'll be hilarious.

I'm reading comic books recently. Will Eisner. This guy is good man. He draws a graphic novel like an author would pen a book.

Monday, May 30, 2005


Though last night's supper didnt quite went as planned, it turned out to be something I would remember for a while.We were supposed to look for this "scissors" curry rice at Jalan Besar, then adjourning to River Valley for some prata, but we accomplished none. What did happen was, we could not find that curry rice shop despite circling Jalan Besar twice and eventually settled at the Jalan Besar Food Centre.Then, a simple supper turned into sort of a feast. I guess with great friends come a great amount of food (haha), of which the cost did not take precedence. We tasted one of the surviving old-school wanton noodles, a plate of raw fish ala chinese style, dim sum, chinese rojak, eggs bacon ham and mocha. Which explains why prata at RV was postponed.Then came the best part of the night.With the car parked at the Padang, we bought 3 baby tubs of Ben and Jerry's and another baby Haagen Daz. Gingerly, we climbed up the half constructed spectator's stand still being built for NDP.All around us, it was architecturally astounding. Facing the city skyline of Shenton Way, we were flanked with The Esplanande on our left and the City Hall/Supreme Court on our right. Swissotel Stamford watched over us from behind.So there we were, right about 30 metres into the air on unstable planks of wood, eating Ben and Jerry's as Victoria Theatre's clock tower showed 45 minutes after 2am. All quiet and still, it seemed like all was ours to savour and enjoy. No people, no rush hour, no traffic, no busy footsteps, nothing. Certainly something I believe few have experienced before.I couldn't have asked for better.

-- Yongmin (www.nimgnoy.blogspot.com)

Can my friend sue me for plagiarism?


Procastination is my worst enemy nowadays.
This says it all. Gotta get this bitch off my back.

Monday, May 23, 2005

RA movie

There is this RA movie that I downloaded via Bit Comet and the plot planted thoughts into my head.
No, not those dirty screwing mind images (that's what you get when u watch really hardcore porn), but some rather good, clean thoughts. It's moments like this when you realise things work in mysterious ways.
So let me proceed to say what's swirling in my head some moments ago. If you had to make a decision, to start a new life all over again, (and by this I mean a new life in any place and any environment other than where you are now) would u take it?
Let me make myself clearer by stating an example. Boy decides to live in Brazil. He takes the next flight out, and begins living there. He tells no one in Singapore about his decision. And there, his life continues at age 21.
The prospect of an entirely new life does seem fresh, like a hot plate of fish and chips. Would I want to kick away 4yrs of university life ahead to plant myself in god knows where and do god knows what? In case u might have felt that I'm talking nonsense, you are pretty much correct. I do like to just spew whatever is in my mind once in a while, and more often than not, it's pretty much like this. I think that at this point I should provide a simple synopsis of the movie.
Japanese Girl on a sch trip to HongKong decides to take trip round Kowloon via taxi. Driver sees a braclet that she's wearing, and this triggers a reaction in him. He kidnaps her and takes her back to his place. When Girl's teacher finds out she's missing, he decides to stay to look for her. Back to the action, Girl struggles while Driver keeps her locked up, but fed and washed. And they can't understand each other. So what generally happens is that they fall in love, and yes, there is a love scene (it's kinda soft soft porn after all). Eventually, the Girl is discovered when she knocks her head while buying vegetables at the market andthus gets sent to the hospital. She is about to be deported back to Japan, when she runs away from the airport. Her teacher does nothing and lets her go. Driver and Girl gets back together. So in between the movie, what's known is that the Girl has an alcoholic mother, who took the bottle after the father ran off with another woman a year ago. Thus Girl becomes introverted and seclusive.
There, this is a very simple and quite a terrible way of describing a movie, but i try to get the general idea across. So please do keep in mind that I left out the entire part on how they fell in love. It's always this kind of shit that keeps movies going ain't it? like how we always know that the couple is going to hook up at the end, or how the hero is going to kick some candy ass.
I do like films in general, even the really bad ones, like Colour Bosoms, sorry, Blossoms and House of Wax (I prefer the former though, not particularly fond of horror flicks and Paris Hilton) There are many so many things that can be appreciated in films, like how you want to interpret what the plot is trying to tell the audience, or how the story reminds you of true fact, or how you freak out when that guy got decapitated by the bogeyman, or how you dig the lighting and mood of the whole show, or if you decide to condemn the show to hell, wonder how anyone can put together this kind of fucked up piece of film.
I watched my favourite show in Sec 2 (that's back in 1998) and five more times since. And it was good (partly because the first time was with my first date ever). Gattaca, with Ethan Hawke, Jude Law and Uma Thurman. You might want to thank me for bringing this movie up.
Or not.

Friday, May 20, 2005

Why Blog?

Why do i blog? or rather, why do we blog? I blog because this is an avenue to record my thoughts and ideas, and in two years time i can look back and see how much i have grown and blahblahblah. Or, blogging would now be a good excuse for me to sit in front of the comp and type my heart out while i download cute litte clips from XXX websites, or shall i rephrase, to surf and download from sites that require you to be over the age of 18 (or 21 for some cases), under the cover of this boring little blog. I blog such that I can practise my language a little bit. I think what two years of National Service did to my language and mathematic abilities is the equivalent of staring at the tv on a sunday night. Nothing. Although I think I did spew out Hokkien, English, and Chinese swear words in an alarming regularity in the past two years than I'd ever imagine I would, especially back in Primary Four when things like fuck and kukubird were considered to be very taboo.
Speaking of spewing, I think bloggers all round the world do blog for one common reason: to be heard. I guess at the end of a day's entry, they can use the mouse and click "post", and there, my shout out to the world is heard! my displeasure at the bloody ass of a bitch at carrefour shall be known!
However, in this particular case right now, there's really no one to shout out to. Because this is my first entry on this website here, after taking around 20 minutes to set up this site. Well, i managed to get round to posting this first entry, so kudos to the people at blogspot for making this user-friendly. Really. I've had enough of directions that do not work, or directions that prompt you to go somewhere for more directions and so on and on. Which is why i hesitate when i see these fantastic gadgets and gizmos on tv. I'm a techie geek. I have no idea what is Bluetooth except that i think somewhere the guy who invented it might be patting himself on the back for coming up with a piece of technology that people are using and most probably paying quite a bit for.
And there, my first entry! Quite abruptly
. I just made myself heard to absolutely cyberspace zilchness!