Friday, May 20, 2005

Why Blog?

Why do i blog? or rather, why do we blog? I blog because this is an avenue to record my thoughts and ideas, and in two years time i can look back and see how much i have grown and blahblahblah. Or, blogging would now be a good excuse for me to sit in front of the comp and type my heart out while i download cute litte clips from XXX websites, or shall i rephrase, to surf and download from sites that require you to be over the age of 18 (or 21 for some cases), under the cover of this boring little blog. I blog such that I can practise my language a little bit. I think what two years of National Service did to my language and mathematic abilities is the equivalent of staring at the tv on a sunday night. Nothing. Although I think I did spew out Hokkien, English, and Chinese swear words in an alarming regularity in the past two years than I'd ever imagine I would, especially back in Primary Four when things like fuck and kukubird were considered to be very taboo.
Speaking of spewing, I think bloggers all round the world do blog for one common reason: to be heard. I guess at the end of a day's entry, they can use the mouse and click "post", and there, my shout out to the world is heard! my displeasure at the bloody ass of a bitch at carrefour shall be known!
However, in this particular case right now, there's really no one to shout out to. Because this is my first entry on this website here, after taking around 20 minutes to set up this site. Well, i managed to get round to posting this first entry, so kudos to the people at blogspot for making this user-friendly. Really. I've had enough of directions that do not work, or directions that prompt you to go somewhere for more directions and so on and on. Which is why i hesitate when i see these fantastic gadgets and gizmos on tv. I'm a techie geek. I have no idea what is Bluetooth except that i think somewhere the guy who invented it might be patting himself on the back for coming up with a piece of technology that people are using and most probably paying quite a bit for.
And there, my first entry! Quite abruptly
. I just made myself heard to absolutely cyberspace zilchness!

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