Tuesday, May 31, 2005

ORD lo

There have been times where I really get this urge to pen down my thoughts. And it's at really specific times, because when I get back home and sit down in front of the computer, the urge is gone, replaced by the unexplainable activity of aimless internet surfing. This gotta be a crime against time or something, staring at a monitor within 25 inches for 3 hrs.
So during ball practice three days ago, I was thinking about confidence and how important this intangible quality is. It can make or break you, and it can come from a little word, a little action from a teammate, or it can just come from a little incident. Yeah, an incident. Like how mustering up a little conversation with the cute girl next door can make you feel like Don Juan. And how sometimes turning the ball over on one possession makes me feel like shit, and unsure of what to do with the ball on the next possession. Just attack the basket dammit! Yep that's what I'm thinking I should have done. When the game is over.
I just talked to this girl in the elevator on my way home today. I live on the ninth floor. Never spoke to her before, but I see her all the time. Heck, I even know which primary and secondary sch she's from.
Well, turns out she's now in nus Science fac, and she lives on the ninth floor too, right at the opposite end of the block. I wasn't trying to hit on her. It's like, we lived on the same block for more than a decade and we never spoke? There, I'm sure you get this feeling sometimes, maybe even with the indian mama next door.

Hey mama, wassup? *peace sign* Haha that'll be hilarious.

I'm reading comic books recently. Will Eisner. This guy is good man. He draws a graphic novel like an author would pen a book.


Anonymous said...

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Anonymous said...

Looking for information and found it at this great site... » »